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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Step 5 Adding Strength Men

Sex is beautiful. Always saying that diperdengarkan by many people. But how can people enjoy that sex is beautiful if the body is not possible to enjoy enjoy. Here are the steps that you can do on the capacity of a fully sexual. If you do it regularly and in accordance with the plan, which is determined, you will undoubtedly get satisfaction.

1. Health care

As a first step, the health of the body, including food, exercise, and rest (sleep). This is a three-part health generally. In the case try to eat the food served in day-to-day with a qualified health care provides food containing protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, and minerals

2. GETTING appetite BIRAHI

As a second step. Someone who tucked the rest get passionately in love. With yoga breathing can increase sexual potency with extra exercise. In other words, if your body is rileks breath and rhythm are normal, and open your mind to the mind that you want.

3. USAGE Fantasy Sex

By using your imagination power before intimate relationship, you are not directly re-kindle the top of the function. Indeed, it sometimes only mere dream, but if you are able to realize your fantasy with a partner, then you will feel the imagination in the actual reality. The more you can realize the fantasy, the power to conduct intimate relationships will be increasingly strong.


You can check ereksi own. You can also maintain the computer's memory during the conduct intimate relationships. Therefore tanamkan in your self that only you can satisfy your partner. With such concern for the failure will be lost and changed as the strength of the desired pair.


In step five, you can find through the erotic sight, hearing, smell, touch or feel, and the inducement. Therefore it is very important if someone is always keeping his body still seems to be beautiful. Will be even better if the conduct at the intimate relationship perfume. But more important is not too hastily in their intimate relationships. Do with heating various ways. If the pair is in the peak of passion then do the "tasks" you well. (endah-gita)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

6 The Body Women's guaranteed that seduce men

Assessment of the first men on the women's course on the physical. What are the views of men and what men can be tempted to make. See this article! (datingsas).

Love at first sight is not good manners. According to the survey, make a physical assessment of other people in the first 10 seconds. The next four minutes, people will make the assessment of other things. Male-male mouth open question which part of the body that makes them obsessed. Result, women can learn to bait the man. This is the body of the woman who will make a man obsessed, according to the order.

1. Athletic body
Men like women with athletic well as in their view of women can surely be a good mother. With a body fit, the women will be able to run day-day, as the mother and the various household tasks. Women's athletic well also believed capable of protecting himself from danger.

2.Contains dense breast
For men, breast most beautiful women in the age range of 20-year early. Their favorite is dense breast contains exactly is in the men's magazines, or ads in the clothes. If you do not have dense breasts do not contain sad past. According to the results of research, like men, regardless of breast shape. No matter whether the breast is small or large, the men certainly interested in the breast wanita.Satu more additional facts why men like women's breasts because it is in the vicinity of the stalk women have called aerola. Have sex at the time, removing the smell aerola akan that seduce men. That is the reason, happy man playing with breast during sex related.

3. Foot stages.
When a female teenagers go, they will increase leg ladder. Nah, the man in the eyes, long legs signify manhood women. Many women leggy realize these advantages. Usually they use the high-heeled shoes or mini-skirt for the show keseksian kakinya.Pria also happy when women use the right level. Easy to make shoes that are stiff legs make the men plus women sexy legs, butt and make the back of the woman the more interesting. Lucunya, when the fertile period or menstruasi, women feel the instingtif want to use the mini-skirt or dress-clothes who seduce men.

4. A slim waist
Hour glass form of the body since women first became idol. Since five centuries back, women strive to realize through the formation of the bodice, strict diet, to plastic surgery. The segaris pinggul the waist to make men more interested. The woman seemed to pile up a lot of fat so that the reproductive less fertile.

5. A rounded posterior Rounded buttocks
of men is to make eye can not turn away. Posterior women have many functions, such as store fat for breastfeeding and accumulate the energy for a certain time. This is why many people consider the most interesting female buttocks tersebut.Zaman the first woman bokongnya strive to make visible the greater. But not so now, even as large buttocks signifies that the body is less healthy.

6. Stomach slim
Certainly is not a surprise anymore, slim stomach akan make men fall in love. Why? First, because it clearly indicates the stomach slim woman is not pregnant. Then, let alone? According to the male belly slim denotes clever woman caring for oneself and care akan health. Jewelry in the stomach, such as pierced in the stomach or belly chain around the man make the sexy stomach. Pinggul chain makes a woman look bigger at the same time streamline waist. That's it? Of course not, there are seven more things that make men fall in love immediately. (source :sexy woman )

Friday, May 15, 2009

101 Romantic Ideas

Title: 101 Romantic Ideas

Language: English Author: Michael Webb

Number of pages: 36

Ebook format: PDF

There are 101 ideas for romantic and unique in this ebook you can try application of the pair, of course to improve your relationship harmony. Create memories and beautiful moments, unforgettable moments for your partner.

You can download directly through this link ebooknya If you have difficulty downloading can utilize alternative download link here

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Making Sex erotic massage The Favor

Joel D. Block in his book, Secret of Better Sex, said that massage is one of the foreplay that quite a lot of tune. In addition to creating rileks smoothly because the blood circulation, massage make sex more delicious it becomes.
1. Use a little baby oil or lotion. Pour in your hands. Massage pair you with a soft throughout the body. Start from the back.

2. Use of hair, mouth, breast and body massage for couples.

3. Massage the posterior end and with a light touch on the gap between the buttocks. Ask for it to rotate.

4. With one hand on the front of the massage your body, the hands began to knead the only breast or chest. Massage the breast or chest.

5. Make a "trip" and a short climb down the body of your partner in between genital and breast. 6. Separate your leg. Massage in the thigh. Move to the abdomen / stomach and back to the inside thigh. Genital grapple with one hand while one hand rub abdomen, chest, or thigh. Level of passion and excitement you experienced pair determines how much you do genital massage. Happy trying! ( Kompas.com)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Female Condoms Second Generation Ready to be sold to market

Board of Supervisors United States Food and Drugs (U.S. Food and Drug Administration-FDA) has approved female condom FC2 series. This condom is intended to protect women from unwanted pregnancy and sexual disease transmission. Second-generation design of this condom is similar to the previous, FC1, except material made of synthetic rubber called nitrile and 30 percent cheaper. FC1 marketing has been approved in 1993. FDA approval on this FC2 akan followed up the U.S. Agency for International Development to distribute condoms through our global HIV / AIDS. Please note, the next generation FC1 condoms have been distributed by the UN in the country to 142 at this time. (kompas.com)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Motion reflects the ability orgasme

How do you run, haste, slow, or with a steady stride? In fact, the way women running ability can reach the orgasme. This according to a research titled Gait may be associated with orgasmic ability (gait may be related to the ability to orgasme) published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Women who move with enerjik or with a certain step and supple, have been used as a group that has always orgasme. "Based on observation, there may be links between orgasme way to run. They are often run with orgasme usually flexible, not rigid, berenergi, and sensual, "write the researchers in a report. To test the theory, the combined team of researchers from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium and the University of West Scotland, asking the students said kuisioner about their sexual habits. Students are divided into two groups, namely that the often or always orgasme and groups that claim to rarely or never. Then they are asked to run as far as 100 meters while imagine are on the beach beautiful. Then they are asked to run again while the man who imagine they love. Nah, and two experts are asked to guess seksologi ability orgasme the respondents based on the way before running. Previously, experts told seksologi this does not fit in any group of students just now. The result is interesting, because 81 percent of answers correct before seksologi experts. "At the time orgasme vagina, musculature around the pelvic flexure. When orgasme often, how to run any more natural, there is harmonization between the legs, pelvis, and spine movement, "said Stuart Brody, professor of psychology University of West Scotland. However, Brody said that they move with the steady and flexible because it may have mental health is good, more confident and have a satisfying sexual relationship. So, this theory must be proved further. (kompas.com)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Easy Women's Libido decreased, Men More Consistent

Passionate sex women to rise so directly in a safe atmosphere. But after four years married or engaged or gathered kebo, encouraged women's sexual decline. Based on research, less than half the women aged 30 years who want sex regularly. Meanwhile, Libido men not affected by length of relationship, including in marriage. Journal of Human Nature published this weekend said that these differences are a part of how human experience evoluasi. A man has a stable Libido can be caused by the nature of competition with fellow men to equally protect the female. The researchers from University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf has interviewed 530 men and women for this research. The result, 60 percent of women aged 30-years old an want sex more often in the early-early introduction (wedding). But in four years, the number tended to decrease to below 50 percent. For the Adam, the level of wanting regular sex numbers stand at 60-80 percent. They are not affected or the duration of court marriage. One thing that is very prominent from this research is the tenderness (tenderness) for women. Approximately 90 percent of women wanted tenderness of spouses, both in the early-early marriage, or until the end of the court hayatnya. Conversely, only 25 percent of men want softness. That was in the period of 10 years married / court. Dr Dietrich Klusmann who led the research believe that this sexual difference is part of human evoluasi. "For men, the reason for consistent sexual desires is to always protect the pair from the other male temptations," he said. At the end of the explanation, dr Dietrich said that the evolution of women so that has encouraged sexual high is when they new acquaintances. Why so? This is an early stage to form a so-called pair bond with a spouse or commitments. Nah, when the relationship has begun to liquefy, Libido women down. He added that the study of animal behavior provides a description of how women have to switch the view of other men or other men's desire (PIL). This is to secure the genetic combination . (kompas.com)